So John and I have been back from Cancun for 2 1/2 weeks now, and today is the first chance I've had to breathe. I feel like I've been trying to play catch up, but haven't been able to because of all the other stuff I needed to do. I made it through launch at the gym (big deal with costumes, new music, moves, etc.), Halloween (figuring out costumes, ward party where for some reason they put the YW in charge of 3 booths - where was the activities committee?, family party, and then trick-or-treating), and Young Women in Excellence (which was just last night and went so well! The ladies I have working with me in YW are AWESOME and make my job so much easier!) Now I finally get to try to start catching up. My blog got to come first, laundry and bathrooms can wait!
Jack took a class through the city of Mesa called Jumping Beans. His cousin Max was also in the class. They had a hard time paying attention to the teacher - maybe because they are active 2 year olds, but mostly cuz they were so excited to see eachother that they couldn't stop hugging each other or jumping up and down together. They had a great time together and always had to stop and look at the plants on the way out. Silly boys!
David and I took the kids to the shrine circus a while back. It was way out at West World, and pretty boring, but totally worth what we paid - nothing. I think all of us were most impressed by the motorcycles in the big cage ball, but were NOT impressed with the dancing poodles. We only stayed for the first act and then went to McDonalds. My boys liked their Happy Meals better than the circus - we should have just done that!
Yes - we went camping again during general conference weekend. Don't worry we didn't miss conference, we brought up the sattelite dish again. Some of you may think we go camping entirely too often - I agree! But it makes my husband and my kids happy so I try to have a good attitude. Lots of unhealthy snacks and now having a trailer make it a lot more bearable. Tate thought he was so cool that he could catch a lizzard. He caught a grasshopper too, but that wasn't near as cool.
Tate was out of school for a couple days for fall break, so we decided to check out the AZ Museum for Youth - I think that's what it's called. Anyways it was a bit small and we quickly ran out of things to see and do there, but the boys had fun nonetheless, and we enjoyed an awesome lunch at Costa Vida afterward. I am so grateful that I get to spend so much time with my kids!
6 days ago