Got this idea from my friend Mary's blog. Looked like fun, so here goes....
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
3 days ago
i remember the amazing talk you gave when you came home from your altanta mission. it was sooooo good.
i also remember you telling me you were going to take your engagement photos in front of my flowers -- you didn't.
I remember a lot of things, and this one will probably be pretty insignificant to you, but it means a lot to me...I remember when you watched Jaxon on a seconds notice while I went to the dentist. YOu are the first person I have ever felt comfortable asking to watch Jax like that, and then you asked me to do the same with Jack while you were in Oregon, so I know it goes both ways! YOU ROCK! Okay Okay, I also remember when you asked me if I was ever going to take that weird stitch out of the pleat in my skirt... I never knew you were SUPPOSED TO take it out!!!
I remember your whole family doing an act in the ward talent show. It was pretty good. And I think the song was "Wind Beneath My Wings". I know, I have a bizarre memory. I also remember that you were at my baptism. And I remember all those years at girls camp.
P.S. Yes, I'm in Mesa
Oh where to start?!... Remember when we were both pregnant and we walked to the RS softball games? Or the trip to Vegas? Remember how you didn't want John to go out "wearing those shoes" and when you and John went to church and Kenney and I headed to the slot machines?! Remember all the trips to the zoo? Breakfast at Wildflower to celebrate our kids going to preschool. Remember how you're one of the coolest girls I know?! Well don't forget it!
lets see i remember first of all the overalls, the straw hat and peach and the search for the perfect old shack/barn so that we could take lots and lots of fun pictures of you.....remember that? I remember the red dress that you got from salvation army that looked sooooo good on you!!!
oh my goodness Marie, I couldn't help but smile when i got your comment on my Memories post....heehee, we did a lot of fun things...i remember listening to you bear your testimony and wonder whether I would ever be able to teach with such power, I remember all the doors we knocked knock for ourselves, another for our companion and one for the Lord....i remember how you pushed and pushed for me to draw you something.....the flower with the butterfly on it I think, do you still have that?
I cant remember everyone's names but the little boy we taught...who died about the time I was nearly ready to go home and his mom!! For some reason i remember the guy with the last name Daveport we taught in the trailer home and the Africian American woman....RUBY?? She loved to hear the gospel but would never commit to anything. I remember all the service we Dr Bennett's sick her bathroom. You remember the old russian woman we found tracking? She was the last house on the yah we did work hard too!!
I remember all those nights we spent walking around the neighborhood just talking about anything and everything, just waiting to have our babies. I miss those days!
Marie! I found your blog. I hope you don't mind. You look beautiful and I'm so happy you and your family seem to be doing so well. Well, I'm going to comment on a memory with you if you don't mind, even though it makes me look like a total loser. I was. Remember in high school when you wanted me to put on the seatbelt in your parent's van and I refused to so we got in a huge fight? Yeah, that was totally lame of me. So for what it's worth, twelve years later, sorry. Or maybe that was just five years ago, right? We're still only 23 or so... -Cameo
okay so I have been thinking of a good story to post and I came up with one.
We took a trip down to Safford. You me and Jason. I was totally the third wheel. I got mad at you for something I don't even remember what it was, but we were fighting and all of the sudden you started laughing and said oh my "stank eye". I am laughing just thinking about it. I don't know if this is a total accurate recollection but something to that effect any way it was so funny. The good old "stank eye"
I remember how adorable you were for a very long time without your front teeth. I was always so afraid that my kids would not be as cute as my nieces and nephews. It was so great to get to know you cute girls as "the fun aunt". You are such a great mama and I am so proud of you.
is it too late to add?! I remember many a night in a sweet 50 foot boat just cruisin' for no reason. I also remember that your house was the funnest to tp!!!! ha ha we were dorks
I remember sitting across from you at the super-awesome FW holiday party. Good times...
P.S. Ha ha, I found your blog. Like how I have to state the obvious? ;)
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