So I'm sure you're all going to get tired of me bragging on my little princess, but I just can't help it. I am so happy to finally have a little doll to dress up and make pretty. I can't believe she is already three weeks. Ashley took her pics again, and as always did a fabulous job. Please agree with me that she is the cutest thing on the planet!
Here is the first of I'm sure many photo shoots of our BEAUTIFUL little girl. My fabulous friend and photographer Ashley did an amazing job - but I must say - John and I did a heck of a job making such a cute kid!!! P.S. - the caption on the last pic was by Ashley and I thought it was too hilarious not to post! I'm pretty sure if there was a caption from Joslyn for this next one (which has been edited!), it would read- "DUDE! I'M NAKED! Stop with the pictures!!!"
Believe it or not, we had a girl!!! Joslyn Sidney McDowell was born on Friday, February 27 at 11:06AM. She weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Dad's first response was, "Oh My Goodness! It's a girl! Didn't I tell you it was a girl!" Mom's first response was tears, silence, tears, disbelief, tears, shock, and then some more tears! We are so excited to have a little girl. Mom and baby are doing great!