My FAVORITE November family tradition is going to the AZ State Fair. So glad the Mortensens and Roundys decided to brave the crowds with us and fully partake of a total WT event! Everyone had a BLAST.

The real reason that we go every year - demolition derby. Yes we know we're totally WT!

My cute kiddos at the Mesa Veterans day parade. Ashley said it best, "it's totally suck awesome!" Gotta love Joslyn's michelin arms.

We did a can food drive with some families from the ward for FHE. We wound up collecting almost 500 pounds of food. The first night when we were putting the bags and fliers on the doors, Tate smiled and said, "Mom this is just as fun as trick or treating".

We had our Thanksgiving dinner with the McDowells the Friday before Thanksgiving. As always great food, great fun, and lots to be thankful for.

We went to the mall the weekend before Thanksgiving and Santa was there - with no line!!! We knew this was a golden opportunity so we took it, but were of course too cheap to actually buy the pictures.

We spent the actual Thanksgiving at the sand dunes. Our fellow campers (family and friends) dubbed me the trailer mom since I had brought several different crafts and activities to keep the kids entertained. We of course had to make gumdrop turkeys. We also made indian headbands and beads.

Dad's idea of fun, because he's not the one doing the laundry.

They loved decorating sugar cookies in the trailer.

And this picture only Sara will appreciate.