John went to check on the boys before we went to bed and Jack was not in his bed. He looked on the floor next to the bed, up in Tate's bed, all around the room but he was nowhere to be found. He had me come check it out for myself. I looked in all the same places. Before I started to panic John told me to look under the desk (it's on the side of their bunkbed). Jack had crawled under the desk and all the way under the bed and was out cold with his blanket wrapped around his head (his preferred way of sleeping). John pulled him out and put him back in bed, but not without Jack trying to crawl further under. What a crazy kid!
I've been putting off posting Christmas because I wanted to get other pictures from my mom, and I never took pics of the boys new bunk beds, and I felt like I had to put captions on all of the pics, blah, blah, blah - anyhow none of that is going to happen, so I'm just posting what I have. You can add your own captions as you see fit - but just know that the pic of Tate in the plaid shorts, striped shirt and Santa hat was his idea. He told me he was an elf, and I did not let him go out of the house like that. We did have a wonderful Christmas! There now it's posted - I can move on!